About us

NOTICE On the basis of Art. 95, para. 1 of the Environmental Protection Act and Art. 1 of the EIA Ordinance, BLAGOUSTROISTVO – STUDENA LTD. announces that it intends to continue its activities for the extraction and processing of underground minerals – building materials – dolomites and dolomitic limestones from the Studena deposit, Blaudestroye – Studena section, located in the land of the village Studena, Municipality of Pernik, Pernik Region, by extending the term of the concession.
Detailed information is available at the office of the company: Sofia, 10, Poduevo Str, B, floor. 1, app. 1 and in the building of the Regional Inspectorate of Environmental Protection – Sofia, Blvd. “Tsar Boris III” № 136. 10 in the reception hours of the inspection.
Written opinions and comments are accepted at the above address of the Company and of the Regional Inspectorate for Environmental Protection – Sofia, as follows and e-mail: 


Contact: Maxim Markov, tel: 0886517777, e-mail: markov@karierastudena.com


Our Mission

BLAGOUSTROISTVO – STUDENA LTD was founded on May 28, 2009 in order to inherit the experience of Argent JSC /www.argent.bg/ in the mining and production of aggregates /additional/ materials.
Argent JSC was established in 1994 and has many years of production experience in the Studena field in the RIEP, Blagoustroistveni stroeji and Hydrostroy-1.

In the first years of its establishment, our professional team set itself the goal of extracting and producing high quality materials. Our main goals are high quality, innovative technologies, modernization of production facilities and a team of good specialists. Our distributors take care of the finished products:

“Argent” JSC
“Hydrostroy-Studena” Ltd.
“Inertika” Ltd.

0 tons

annual production


Price - High quality product

We have always had a clear long-term policy and ambitious goals. Therefore, in 2017, after many years of production experience, we accepted the challenge to market our products ourselves.

Our main goal is to achieve the golden rule of price – high quality product by providing complex solutions.

European Innovation and Competitiveness Programme

Our partners

With our 20 years of experience and professionalism, high standards and honesty, we earn the respect of major companies such as: